Asphalt Repairs
Asphalt repairs can often solve a wide range of issues. For example, some repair methods can handle alligator cracking, rutting, birdbaths, or raveling. At NC Concrete and Asphalt, we are very familiar with all of the different asphalt repair techniques as well as the issues that they can and cannot correct.

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Asphalt Repair Contractor in Raleigh
The Raleigh-Durham area pavements are subjected to a variety of stresses. Seasonal freeze/thaw cycles, petrochemical leaks from vehicles, sunlight, snowplows, ice storms, and traffic can take a toll on your pavement’s health. Much like your own body, your asphalt pavement may display symptoms that indicate that a major problem is looming in the not-so-distant future. Ignoring your pavement’s symptoms can be a costly mistake. For
example, you may suddenly realize that your asphalt pavement has developed numerous potholes. It may seem as if they appeared overnight, but there were likely warning signs that preceded their formation. If you do not seek the services of a reputable contractor to make the repairs quickly, the best you can expect is that the repairs will be quite a bit more expensive when you get around to making them. The worst-case scenario is that your entire pavement will need to be torn out and rebuilt from the ground up.
Why are asphalt repairs important to do?
Underneath the layers of asphalt lies a foundation that is typically comprised of crushed stone and compacted soil. This foundation supports the pavement as well as the traffic to which the pavement is subjected. To fulfill its function, the foundation must be strong and stable. Potholes and other breaks in the asphalt permit water to enter and erode the foundation. Weakened and destabilized, the foundation can no longer provide the support that the pavement
needs. Empty spaces form between the foundation and the pavement, traffic collapses these spaces, and more potholes develop. The potholes expand, generate more cracks, and the cycle continues until irreparable damage has been done to the pavement.
How are asphalt repairs completed?
There are various techniques that can be used for repairing asphalt, but the most common involves using one of three patching techniques. The best type of patch to use will depend on the depth and scope of the damage, the condition of the pavement surrounding the damage, and the integrity of the foundation. For example, some methods are fine for repairing small, shallow damage, but they should not be used if there is significant damage to the foundation. Similarly, some methods are not recommended if the surrounding pavement is too crumbly or brittle to support the repair.
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About NC Pavement & Concrete
Setting the standard for of quality in concrete and asphalt repair for over 15 years.
NC Pavement & Concrete, LLC is a commercial property maintenance company owned by Southport, NC native, Tommy Roberts. The company provides commercial properties with all exterior maintenance services.